Jon Fitch defeat Thiago Alves UFC 117 Result
Jon Fitch def. Thiago Alves by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Round 1 - Leg kick from Alves, then a nice right hand counter to Fitch's leg kick. Fitch goes for the takedown and slams him. Fitch has Alves' back, gets one hook in. Alves stands and Fitch puts knees in his thighs. Alves turns around, Fitch still putting knees on his thighs and slams Alves back to the ground. Fitch is in half guard. Alves gets to his feet, puts Fitch on his back. Alves on top in half guard. Thiago lets Fitch stand up. Fitch grabs a Thai clinch and lands a couple of knees. Nice right hand from Alves. Body shot from Fitch. Leg kick from Alves. Right hand, then a shot by Fitch. Alves stops it. They clinch, Alves gets taken down with five seconds to go. Fitch wins the round 10-9.
Round 2 - Fitch said, "He's weak in the clinch" between rounds. Inside leg kick from Fitch scores. Fitch times it as Alves throws an uppercut and puts Alves on his back. Alves has Fitch wrapped up in full guard. Fitch postures up, lands some punches. Alves tries to get to his feet, with his back to the cage. Fitch grabs his legs and puts him down. Alves gets to one leg, then it's right back down. Fitch on top in half guard. Alves gets full guard briefly. Now Alves gets to his feet, Fitch has a body lock from the back, puts Alves down. Fitch stands over him, postures up and as Alves tries to get up, Fitch grabs a single leg. Fitch puts him back down and has Alves's back. Alves spins and gains control. He lets Fitch up. Leg kick punch from Alves. Superman punch then uppercut from Alves. They clinch as the bell sounds. 10-9 round for Fitch.
Round 3 - Alves needs a KO or submission. Leg kick from Fitch scores. Alves returns it. Superman punch from Alves. Alves lands a nice left jab. Knee to the body from Fitch. Leg kick from Alves. Nice head kick from Alves. Fitch shoots, gets a single and Alves gets free. Alves looking good now, lands a leg kick. Uppercut thrown by Alves, Fitch shoots, grabs a body lock from behind and drags Alves down. Fitch has his back with one hook in. Fitch has a body triangle on Alves and softens him up. Fitch looking for a rear-naked choke, continues to punish from the back. :90 seconds left in the fight. Alves rolls and ends up on top of Fitch. Fitch still has a body triangle even though Alves is on top. Fitch lets it go and hangs on with 15 seconds to go. Fitch stands, the bell sounds. Fitch gets the round 10-9 and the fight 30-27 in my opinion.
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